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#1 Free Aries Dating Site for Aries Singles

So you’re dating an Aries (born March 21 – April 19) — it’s business time. Aries are on top of things. As the first sign of the Zodiac, they’re bound to be. Ask a room full of people which one of them is an Aries, and the Aries will confidently shoot their hand into the air and say, “Finally. I’m here, what do you need?”

Aries is one of the most formidable signs in the zodiac, the female of the species being a more powerful and elusive creature than the male. It takes a lot of skill and nerve to date them.

Meet single Aries in your local area at, the free Aries Dating Site for single Aries.

There's a very high chance this will be an explosive love-hate relationship, and unlike most other sign matches it can actually be a good thing. You're both very independent and impulsive, and you both love a good fight.

Whether you admit it to yourself or not, you also enjoy a little chaos and instability in your life. You also grudgingly respect an aggressive sparring partner!

Regardless of where you are, you’re bound to find people born under the Aries zodiac. Whether you’re an Aries or not, the Aries friends date site is perfect for those interested in befriending or dating an Aries and it allows you to quickly and easily find Aries in your locale. Remember, the site is cost-free!

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